Thoughts from the other side

Moved my blog to WordPress (and upgraded it to 3.0)

About a year(!) back, I moved my blog from Community Server 2007 to WordPress. I did this since upgrading to newer versions of Community Server on a shared-hosting GoDaddy account was next to impossible. After reading through probably two dozen articles, howtos and hacks, downloading a couple of conversion applications and trying to set up a local copy of Community Server to ease the upgrade, I decided to bite the bullet and move to something simpler and WordPress stood out as something that everyone recommended.

I was reminded of my attempts to upgrade CS2007 today when I read about the new version of WordPress that was released today. Battle bruises from my CS upgrade attempts still fresh in my mind, I tried to figure out how to accomplish the same with WP.

To say that it was a smoother, simpler experience would be an understatement:

Step 1: Visit the WordPress upgrade page (/wp-admin/update-core.php">http://<yoururl>/wp-admin/update-core.php)

Step 2: Click on Upgrade Automatically


2 minutes later, I had a new version of WP installed!