Thoughts from the other side

Windows Live Writer

Wow – it sounds like someone heard my private rants on the state of blogging tools. The blogosphere is awash with the news that Windows Live Writer Beta was released today. I’ve just downloaded it and it less than 2 minutes managed to set it up to publish to my blog. It’s surprisingly lightweight and responsive, even on my aging Tablet PC.

I’m not going to review it in any detail since it’s been praised and bashed all over the web, but i get the feeling I’ll have to break the ‘No-betas’ rule on my home laptop for this one.


ZDNet: Writer is Microsoft’s first Live killer app

Om Malik: Windows Live Writer, Write On!

Seattle PI: Assessing Windows Live Writer

Paul Kedrowski: Windows Live Writer … Huh?


Wow – Windows Live Writer is the top search on technorati today: